Everyone has moments of vulnerability.

Sometimes we just need a little help to feel strong and secure again!

sad ducking held in hand - feeling vulenrable

Unlock Your Potential & Free Your Confidence

Personalised Programmes for Lasting Change

Feeling stuck? Stress or anxiety getting to you? Want to break through limitations and create the life you love? We get it! That’s why we offer personalised programs that combine powerful techniques like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Hypnotherapy.

Here’s the magic

CBT equips you with practical tools to unlock thoughts, feeling  and emotions, while Hypnotherapy helps focus your mind to uncover limiting beliefs and open to your true potential. Together, they create a powerful synergy to help you.

It’s an exciting process that gives you the opportunity to be unapologetically you  

Free Consultation: Discover How Integrated Therapies Can Help You Thrive!

Listen to this great testimonial from CB in Spain

Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy

A powerful therapeutic combination of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Hypnosis which gives you the tools to manage inner change.

Mindfulness Relaxation & Practise

Mindfulness teaches us to stay in the present moment & more & relaxation helps reduce the negative impact of flight or fight & regain positive control of our lives

Building Mental & Emotional Resilience

Resilience is all about how we manage the storms of life & it teaches us how to bounce back mentally and emotionally from stress.

Ready to unlock your potential? Get your complimentary 30-minute session

Discover yourself and create your own personalised roadmap. Get a taste of the transformation that awaits you. You can cover a lot in 30-minutes! 

Woman sitting on sofa contemplating reimagining her life

Our Specialist Work

Are you ready to embrace a new chapter?

We specialise in helping women re-discover their dreams, their passions and to become unapologetically you as you enter your 3rd Age!

Approaching your 60s or already there? Make this next chapter time to break free from limitations and create your fulfilling future.

Through a combination of proven techniques like Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness, and Coaching, we’ll work together to:

  • Uncover your strengths and rediscover your passions
  • Develop lasting resilience to navigate life’s challenges
  • Craft a vision for a fulfilling future that excites you

What Our Clients Say

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