Kathy Roots profile

A Little About Kathy

Therapist | Coach | Trainer

After years of fulfilling work overseas, I faced a new challenge: age-related visa restrictions in my preferred regions.

This sudden change felt disheartening, but it also sparked a transformative journey of self-discovery.

My lifelong passion for meaningful work fuelled my search – how could I leverage my skills in a new way? I explored diverse avenues, determined to find the perfect fit for this next chapter.

How could I channel this passion into a new direction?

With determination, I explored exciting possibilities, eventually training in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy.

My goal is simple – to help others break free from limiting beliefs and achieve greater fulfilment.

This work feels incredibly meaningful, allowing me to make a true difference in people’s lives.




Profile image of Brenda Martin Therapist

A Little About Brenda

Therapist | Trainer

Throughout a successful career educating young children and leading a large multicultural school, I relished the challenge and connection of the workplace.

Early retirement in Spain initially offered exciting opportunities, but I soon missed that dynamic energy.

Fortunately, the universe delivered an unexpected path: training English teachers abroad, a role I adored for eight fulfilling years.

Upon returning to Spain, retirement again called. Yet, after downsizing, I craved the purpose that work provides.

Embarking on studies in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy has been a transformative choice.

I’m truly energised by working closely with people in this new context and seeing them achieve great results in their lives. And I’m in a position to continue my own personal and professional growth.

Why Choose Us

35+ Years Experience & Skill

Qualified HR Consultant, Coaches, Trainers & Therapists, having worked all over the world with the most amazing people we've picked up a tip or two!

Qualified & Fully Licenced

Post-graduate qualified & add in a host of continued self-development, using scientifically proven techniques to help you turn problems into positive solutions

Flexible Training programmes

We are all unique & one size does not fit all! Together we collaborate to design a programme that meets your desires, your needs & your goals.

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